
Kazi Firoz Rashid


The health of the nation is very important in building a developed nation. Today's young future is the head of the country. We all know that the use of tobacco or tobacco products is deadly to health. And there is no alternative to the elimination of tobacco and tobacco products in health care. But because of the attractive presentation of e-cigarettes, the younger generation is more likely to fall victim to it, which could be detrimental to the nation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified such products as harmful to the body, regardless of whether they are called heat-burn or e-cigarettes. According to the U.S. Surgeon General's report, e-cigarette use can cause heart attacks, strokes and lung damage. The ingredients found in e-cigarettes are responsible for causing cancer, including paralysis of various cells in the body. E-cigarette liquids contain propylene glycol, glycerin, polyethylene glycol, various flavors and nicotine. As these chemicals heat up, they produce the same amount of formaldehyde as cigarette smoke, which causes irreparable damage to the blood circulation in the human body. According to a study by the Italian Ministry of Health, e-cigarettes are harmful. Although young people use it for fashion, it can lead to the smoking habit of non-smokers.

Many people suffer from indirect health effects as a result of direct smoking. The world is currently going through a crisis due to the Kovid-19 epidemic. The World Health Organization has identified tobacco as a contributor to coronavirus infection. After reviewing several studies by public health experts, the WHO said that smokers are more likely to be seriously ill with the Covid-19 infection than non-smokers. E-cigarette users are no exception.

E-cigarettes have been banned in neighboring India. Many countries around the world have realized the dangers of using e-cigarettes, and 42 countries have already banned e-cigarettes altogether, while another 56 countries have imposed restrictions on e-cigarette sales. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2017, 0.2 percent of people in Bangladesh use e-cigarettes, which can be controlled. In the interest of protecting our new generation, there is no alternative to banning e-cigarettes at the moment.

There is no specific law in Bangladesh regarding the ban on e-cigarettes / heated tobacco / vaping tobacco or similar products. Since Bangladesh is dependent on imports of electronic cigarettes and all related items and has not yet started making or producing it, it will be easy to ban it in this country and now is the right time to ban it. The first and still the only example in the world - "Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has dreamed and announced that Bangladesh will be tobacco free by 2040." But the use of e-cigarettes or similar products is increasing to be an obstacle in the way of realizing his dream or declaration. Therefore, as a Member of Parliament, I would like to draw the attention of the Hon'ble Prime Minister to this matter and to protect the young society from this scourge of tobacco, it is imperative to amend the existing Tobacco Control Act and ban e-cigarettes or similar products. Our little precaution and proper action will save the country's invaluable resource from the harm of tobacco - our young society.


Kazi Firoz Rashid: Member of Parliament, Dhaka-6 constituency and former Minister and Member, Standing Committee on Ministry of Liberation War Affairs and Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism.

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